This research explores the accessibility and inclusion of young people with disabilities in social inclusion activities, with a particular focus on leisure, dance, and outdoor pursuits. The study aims to identify strengths and weaknesses within current practices and offer insights for a more inclusive future. The problem statement highlights the multifaceted challenges faced by young people with disabilities when attempting to participate in social inclusion activities. These challenges range from fear of liability among program leaders to knowledge gaps among educators, parental and self-doubts, and a scarcity of suitable programs. The consequences of these barriers extend beyond mere obstacles, affecting the well-being and social integration of young individuals with disabilities.
Our research methodology combines primary data from surveys conducted with young people with disabilities, social workers who work with people with disabilities, as well as parents and guardians of people with disabilities in Italy, Croatia, Serbia and Kosovo, with secondary data drawn from various European organisations and institutions. The primary research was conducted with the support of other local organisations from Italy, Croatia, Serbia, and Kosovo while LINK DMT from Italy has led the overall work and processes. This comprehensive approach provides a nuanced understanding of the accessibility and inclusivity landscape. The findings reveal promising trends in the growing commitment to inclusivity. Collaborative initiatives, adaptive technologies, and digital inclusion efforts have expanded access to leisure, dance, and outdoor activities. Young individuals with disabilities express interest in sports, creative expression, outdoor adventures, social engagement, and education. However, challenges persist, underscoring the need for targeted interventions and policy changes. The analysis uncovers the complex web of barriers, from fear of liability to knowledge gaps and a lack of suitable programs, impacting the well-being and social integration of young people with disabilities. Amid these challenges, we identify strengths within current practices, including heightened awareness of inclusion’s importance, collaborative efforts, advancements in adaptive technologies, and the dedication of educators and program leaders. These strengths offer opportunities for further enhancement through expanding awareness campaigns, sharing best practices, and embracing universal design principles.
In conclusion, this research underscores the critical role of social inclusion in the lives of young people with disabilities. It advocates for urgent action to address barriers while harnessing strengths, fostering a more inclusive future where young individuals with disabilities can participate fully, grow, and thrive in leisure, dance, and outdoor activities, enriching their lives and our communities.
List of organisations that supported the implementation of the research